Saturday, December 3, 2022

Someone needs to teach those sad twats how and why do use an inverted pyramid in news stories: Channelling my inner Bronn


You know, the reporting found in this article is appalling. Channeling

As respiratory viruses strain US health care systems, Biden administration tells states how it's ready to help 

The article should start with evidence, such as:

[C]umulative hospitalization rates are about 10 times higher than typical for this point in the season. Less than two months in, the RSV hospitalization rate this season is already nearing the total RSV hospitalization rate from the entire 2018-19 season.
But, that's found paragraph 14 of 17. 

Without that information, even a non-paranoid person might wonder what leads to these conclusions.

Someone needs to teach those sad twats how and why do use an inverted pyramid in news stories.

Bronn: Someone needs to teach those sad twats how to dig trenches. Jaime Lannister: Someone certainly does. Bronn: Oh, no. Not me. I'm just an upjumped sellsword. Jaime Lannister: You're an anointed knight. There's quite a difference. Bronn: Aye, knights don't get paid. 


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