Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jews For Jesus Founder Dies

From the site*: Jews For Jesus Founder Dies. (Posted using ShareThis)

The discussion on that site  is modestly interesting. I select three that caught my eye...

  1. The author of the blog writes:
    "Actually, what Rosen was is a deceitful man who lied, cheated and misrepresented to ensnare vulnerable Jews. May his name and his memory be blotted out."
  2. A party identified as Mr. Apikoros**
    "But for you to say that Martin Rosen's name should be "blotted out" shows that you're ... intolerant... We have freedom of religion in this country, and that includes the freedom for a Jew to convert to Christianity."
  3. An A. Nuran writes:
    "His name should not be blotted out. If it is we will forget what he did and be more vulnerable to that sort of con in the future. Better it should live ... as a warning to us all."
I have some agreement with all three. 

My initial, visceral reaction coincides with the author's rather traditional phraseology.  The author could have added that Rosen should have not place in the word to come.

My secular side agree with Apikoros, but with a cavet. The pusillanimous nature of pretending that conversion is not leaving the people is not forgivable to me, particularly given history.  Though I defend the right of these people to do what they do, and anger me.

As a practical matter A. Nuran has a rather wise insight into how to deal with those who do us evil.

Blotting out is not so good as remembering with an edge.

*The messiah specifically referred to in the website name
  is Mendel Schneerson.

**Apikoros is probably a corruption of the Greek  term "Epicurean", and
   reflecting the view -- widely held by during antiquity and not by Jews alone
   -- that Epicureans were a literally godless. 

   Strictly speaking it designates a person who rejects normative Judaism,
   rabbinic tradition, or who insists that God is not active in the world.

   Currently it is used, mostly by the orthodox, to describe anyone holding
   heretical or heterodox views.  Like me...


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