What this behavior says about the chain of command in the United States* or the intelligence of officiers seems to have been missed by major new figureheads (Matthews, Cooper, etc).
One specific item seems to have surprised them: that a reporter might actually forgo potential future access to print a meaning full story now.
What a concept, doing the job comes first, careerism later.
As Donald Rumsfeld would say "Gosh."
Here are two worthwhile links about the issue
- The Politico Opens the Kimono. And then Pretends it Never Happened.
From Jay Rosen's blog Press Think Blog
- John Steward/The Daily Show's McChrystal's Balls - Honorable Discharge.
*For those who think this is a "thin skinned" reaction, consider what would happen to an NCO
talking like this about the new 2nd Lieutenant.